• 正在播放:神奇的贝加尔湖-BD


导演:Anastasia Popova 

主演:康斯坦丁·哈宾斯基 Tutta Larsen 

剧情:纪录片《神奇的贝加尔湖》讲述了  Baikal is the oldest, the deepest and the purest lake on the planet. But it's not only that - Baikal is an ideal model of our world, as it shall be. Everything is possible here: to walk on water, to touch the sky, to talk with the universe. Baikal is our hope and our future. It's a film about the thirst, about the eternity and about all of us. The genre is epic documentary. The aim is to change the world.

简介:《神奇的贝加尔湖》是由Anastasia Popova 导演的一部纪录片,神奇的贝加尔湖在法国首映,并在2021第一时间上映,主要演员有康斯坦丁·哈宾斯基 Tutta Larsen 等主演,精品电视剧网为大家提供神奇的贝加尔湖全集完整版免费在线观看,支持手机、平板、电脑多终端超清免费播放,神奇的贝加尔湖现更新至HD中字。



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