• 正在播放:锻刀大赛 第一季-第04集


导演:Alfonso Trinidad 

主演:Wil Willis J. Neilson Doug Marcaida David Baker 

剧情:综艺《锻刀大赛 第一季》讲述了  FORGED IN FIRE features world-class bladesmiths competing against each other to create some of the most iconic edged weapons from history. In each episode, four of the best bladesmiths in the country will come together to put both their skills and reputations on the line. Whether they are making a Japanese katana, a medieval broadsword, or an ancient throwing blade like the chakram, the weapons they forge will be fully functional and lethal works of art and war. The unique histories contained within each weapon will be creatively told during the forging process and the final weapons themselves will be assessed and ruthlessly tested by our panel of expert judges. These dynamic and explosive tests will be individually designed to push the weapons to their absolute limit. One by one, the bladesmiths will be eliminated until only one remains to be crowned the champion.

简介:《锻刀大赛 第一季》是由Alfonso Trinidad 导演的一部综艺,锻刀大赛 第一季在美国首映,并在2015第一时间上映,主要演员有Wil Willis J. Neilson Dou 等主演,精品电视剧网为大家提供锻刀大赛 第一季全集完整版免费在线观看,支持手机、平板、电脑多终端超清免费播放,锻刀大赛 第一季现更新至已完结。



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